Languages Other Than English
Language Study Overview
QSI Shenzhen students are offered Chinese, Korean, or Spanish language classes. The focus of these courses is to learn and enhance language skills, as well as being introduced to the culture, history, and customs of the language’s countries of origin.
QSI Shenzhen provides professional, native Chinese language instructors. Courses are offered to students at all levels of proficiency, from beginners to native speakers. The Chinese language program is divided into Heritage and non-Heritage language learning groups, depending on the student's proficiency level and background knowledge.
In the 5-7 year old classes, all students have at least one Chinese class each week. Students who are 8-13 years old choose between Chinese or Spanish classes as their foreign language.
At the secondary level, students have many choices about the type of Chinese language course they want to study. The Secondary courses are related to the different diploma programs offered to the students. There is a general Chinese course option which includes Chinese class levels 1-4, or Chinese Heritage classes 1 and 2. There are also Chinese IB course offerings including Mandarin Ab Initio, Chinese B, and Chinese Language A (Literature). The Secondary school also offers a one-year AP Chinese course for students taking classes in the AP program.
QSI Shenzhen Secondary School also offers advanced Korean classes at the Heritage level and IB Korean A courses. Through these classes, students will be able to broaden their understanding of Korean history and culture and improve their Korean proficiency. In the Heritage Korean class, students will learn literature works that Korean middle and high school students basically read and learn, along with non-literature texts such as newspaper articles, columns, etc. In the IB Korean A class, students study various non-literary texts, such as newspaper articles, columns, speeches, advertisements, and interviews dealing with international issues, along with literary works selected by the IB. In this course, students build up their skills so they can analyze literary content from a creative and analytical perspective.
深圳QSI学生提供中文、韩语或西班牙语外语课程。 这些课程的重点是学习和提高语言技能,以及介绍语言原籍国的文化、历史和习俗。
5-7岁的学生,所有学生每周至少上一节中文课。 8-13岁的学生,可以选择中文或者西班牙语作为外语。
在高中阶段,学生对他们想学习什么样的中文课程有很多选择。高中的中文课程与学生想通过学习而获得不同的文凭有关。深圳QSI的高中为学生提供普通的中文课程,其中包括中文1-4级,或中文母语1和2级。 此外,还有中文IB课程,包括中文 Ab Initio、中文B和中文A(文学)。中学还为参加AP课程的学生提供一年的AP中文课程。
QSI Shenzhen 고등학교에서는 고급 과정의 한국어 수업(Heritage Korean)과 IB Korean A과정을 제공하고 있습니다. 이 수업을 통해 학생들은 한국어능력 뿐만 아니라 한국의 역사와 문화에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓힐 수 있게 될 것입니다. Heritage Korean수업에서는 한국의 중고등학생이 기본적으로 읽고 배우는 문학 작품과 신문기사, 칼럼 등의 비문학 텍스트를 배우게 됩니다. IB Korean A 수업에서는 IB에서 선정한 문학 작품들과 글로벌 이슈를 다룬 신문기사, 칼럼, 연설문, 광고, 인터뷰등 다양한 비문학 텍스트를 배우고, 배운 내용을 창의적이고 분석적시각에서 학습합니다.