Parent Support Group
The PSG Mission
The Parent Support Group (PSG) strives to stimulate interest in QSI Shenzhen, and to provide support for the advancement of the school, its parents, and students. We promote a sense of community offering additional activities, events and volunteer opportunities. For those of you unfamiliar with the Parent Support Group, all faculty, administration, administrative support staff and parents of QSI Shenzhen students are automatically members.
We have a wonderful group of volunteers who serve as the governing body and liaisons for all PSG groups. We continually welcome new volunteers.
Everyone is welcome to attend PSG meetings. It is a great way to learn about QSI Shenzhen and to make friends. These are general meetings where various PSG committees provide updates to the board, present funding requests, and discuss activities of interest.
For more information about out PSG please feel free to contact the school office by phone, or email a request for information to your campus Director of Instruction.
Become a volunteer for the QSI Shenzhen Parent Support Group (PSG)
The QSI Shenzhen Parent Support Group is a voluntary organization run by parents of students at the school. Its purpose is to nurture the cultural diversity of the school by organizing events which help build a strong community spirit across the different campuses. Some of these events raise funds to support activities which are not part of the regular academic curriculum, and which benefit many of the students.
Volunteering for the PSG is a great way for parents to demonstrate to their children their interest in what goes on at school, and it is a wonderful way to get to know other parents. Being a volunteer is fun and rewarding. There are numerous ways to contribute—and every contribution, large or small, is greatly appreciated.
The PSG has a group of coordinators (The Coordinating Team) who help liaise with parents who would like to volunteer or take part in events. Since QSI Shenzhen has several campuses and parents from many different countries, the PSG’s campus and language coordinators make it easier to communicate with each other. Due to the large size of the student body, the QSI Shekou Campuses (PLE Campus, Main Campus and Secondary Campus) currently have a separate PSG Head Coordinator from the QSI Nanshan Campus in Xili. Both groups, however, work closely together to ensure that parents and students have the wonderful opportunity to belong to an amazingly diverse, yet unified community under the common umbrella of the QSI Shenzhen organization.
We encourage you to participate in PSG meetings when you have a chance. These are usually held directly after the monthly Coffee with the Director meetings. If you have a great idea for an event or activity that could help create a stronger community feeling at school, the school would be very grateful for your ideas and suggestions. The PSG has its own bulletin board in each campus for news updates. The best way to stay informed about what the PSG is up to is via the school e-newsletters and via the PSG pages on the school website.
As a volunteer for the PSG, you share your contact details with us, so that we have the ability to contact you from time to time, to see whether you are available to help out with, or maybe just participate in, PSG-organized events. There is no obligation to take part every time, as participation is purely voluntary. However, if you are able to participate or help out, what we hope is that the experience will be a positive one, and that you make new friends and enjoy being involved in strengthening the school’s community spirit!
Being involved in the PSG also means you have the right to vote on how the PSG funds are used. Get involved so you can help decide how our children can benefit from the PSG’s fund raising efforts.
We look forward to having the chance to meet you sometime. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the great team of volunteers who help run the PSG.
Kind regards,
QSI Shenzhen Parent Support Group
If you’d like to volunteer for the PSG, please send an email to the campus Director of Instruction with the following details:
- Your family name and given name
- Your nationality
- Your mobile number
- Your email address.
- The name & age of your child/children
- The class number and campus of your child/children
Include a few words about what you are interested in helping out with.